We have three types of funds that you can apply to:

- Smaller Projet Fund
- Open Fund
- Kaupapa Māori

The Smaller Project and Open Fund rounds differ only in the amount that is applied for – there are no qualitative differences between the two project types

Wellington East Girls’ College’s Supported Learning Unit - Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Recipient.

Smaller Project Fund ($10k or less)

The small fund is open all year round. All applications will go to our small funds panel, who will meet around the middle of the month to discuss the preceding months’ applications.

For example, if you apply on 31st July, your application will be considered at the mid-August meeting. But if you apply on 1st August, your application will be considered mid-September. It is a good idea to plan your submission with this in mind! You’ll know shortly after the meeting whether or not your application was successful.

The closing date for these applications is 31st May 2025.

Open Fund (above $10k)

The three open round dates are:

Round Opening Date Closing Date
Round 1 Monday 5 August 2024 (9 AM) Friday 23 August 2024 (5 PM)
Round 2 Monday 21 October 2024 (9 AM) Friday 8 November 2024 (5 PM)
Round 3 Monday 4 March 2025 (9 AM) Friday 21 March 2025 (5 PM)

Panel meetings are generally held two weeks after the closing date, and we expect decisions to be communicated shortly after that. 

Kaupapa Māori

The Kaupapa Māori pathway allows for projects that are by Māori, as Māori, for Māori. Kaupapa Māori applications can fall in the small or open fund and are assessed according to the same timelines. For more information on this pathway and Te Whetū Rehua, visit the Sport New Zealand website here [Kaupapa Māori applications | Sport New Zealand - Ihi Aotearoa (sportnz.org.nz)]. You simply tell us on the application form if you think your project falls into this category, and we will take it to the appropriate panel, which is led by Māori from our region, to be discussed and assessed.