Kaupapa - What is Tū Manawa for?

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is a fund that aims to remove barriers to physical activity for tamariki and rangatahi between the ages of 5-18 years old. Both research and our own experience in the sector tells us that certain groups of tamariki and rangatahi are at risk of missing out on opportunities for active recreation, sport, and play, those in areas of socioeconomic disadvantage and tangata whaikaha (‘people who are determined to do well’, participants facing ), and young women and girls. Programmes or projects that reach these groups will be prioritised for funding, so that we can remove barriers to movement and enhance the mana of local communities. Importantly, Tū Manawa is about what tamariki and rangatahi want, rather than what we or others’ think they want. Applications that show tamariki and rangatahi voice – through words, pictures, or videos – are more likely to get approved.

Cricket Wellington Community Cricket Festivals - Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Recipient.

Whakapapa – Where has Tū Manawa come from?

Tū Manawa was first rolled out in 2021, as a way of empowering communities to respond to the physical activity needs of their tamariki and rangatahi. During this time, Nuku Ora have administered funding to a whole variety of projects, totalling over $4.5 million to date. For the year beginning 1st July 2024, we will have $1.423 million to power up meaningful projects around Te Upoko o Te Ika a Maui.

Pūrakau – Stories of success

We have some awesome stories of how Tū Manawa has been used to get communities moving. For example, you can see some case studies, a short video about how some of our communities’ projects have supported wellbeing and hauora through movement, and also see how Tū Manawa has been used across the motu through SportNZ's infographic.

Click here for a Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Case Study 

Click here for a video on community projects supported by Tū manawa

Click here for the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Infographic 

Whakahou – Transforming and Regenerating

Tū Manawa was never intended to be a static fund. Nuku Ora, Sport New Zealand, and our partners across the motu aspire to ensure it is dynamic and transformational and works for our communities. One transformative aspect over the past few years is how we define and talk about physical activity. Through Tū Manawa we have enabled tamariki and rangatahi to play traditional sports such as rugby and football, but also to gather kai and connect to te taiao, to play, and to have fun through moving to increase their wellbeing. Through our Kaupapa Māori pathway, we have also supported people to become or stay connected to their own whakapapa in ways that are meaningful for them.

Two immediate changes relate to the application process:

1) The small project fund (less than $10k) will be open continuously. That means no deadlines for this fund – our panels will be meeting monthly, decisions made, and results shared shortly after these meetings. For open funds (over $10k), there will be three rounds, in August, October, and March. Details of rounds can be seen below.

2) The introduction of in-person and online sessions in which we will walk through the application process, to awhi any person or organisation that wants to apply but would like some support in writing the application.

Of course, you can always reach out to one of us in the Tū Manawa team and we can talk to you about your application.

We will continue to transform over the next few years. For example, we are currently exploring ways in which we can include rangatahi voice in deciding where the funding goes. But we want to do this right, in a way that is enhances the mana of rangatahi, and so we are taking our time with this. We are also exploring ways in which projects might be funded that doesn’t involve a written application, but again we want this to be done well. So, for the time being, watch this space!